1 John 1:7 – Verse of the Day 8/13/14

1 John 1:7 Verse of the Day

This verse is closely related to one of the central ideas of John’s Gospel: we love Him because he first loved us. In other words, we can’t do anything to earn God’s love. Rather, because God loves us we are to respond by loving God in return.

Here John paints a stark contrast between those who walk in darkness and those who walk in the light. In order to understand this verse, we have to read the ones that follow it. John goes on to say that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Therefore, John’s point is not that Christians live perfect lives, but rather that we should seek to honor God by the way that we live and to readily seek His forgiveness when we fail.

As you pray, consider whether there are any aspects of your life that are more characterized by “darkness” than “light.” Ask the Lord to forgive you and give you the strength necessary to honor Him and live a life of thankfulness for the wonderful grace we have received through Jesus’ work on the cross.

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