Psalm 104:34 – Verse of the Day 1/5/15

Psalm 104:34 Verse of the Day
Can you remember the last time you saw something so amazing that you couldn’t help but stare? Can you remember the last time you saw something so beautiful you couldn’t help but worship the God who made it?

Psalm 104 is a song of praise written in response to the glory of the creation. As the Psalmist reflects upon the beauty of the world he expresses wonder at the God who created it. The Psalm opens and closes with a simple expression of praise, and this verse is the song’s joyful conclusion.

God is the creator of all things and the source of our joy. In fact, we find our greatest joy when we turn to Him and away from ourselves. Spend some time in prayer, praising the goodness of God and thanking Him for giving us an awareness of His presence. Ask the Lord to draw your attention to the beautiful world He has made and to help you to slow down enough in your life to notice and take pleasure in the beautiful things he has made.

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