Colossians 1:11 – Verse of the Day 4/22/13

This verse comes in the midst of Paul’s opening thanksgiving and prayer for the Colossians. Paul wrote this letter to address a number of issues raised by the numerous false teachers in Colosse. Although false teachers surrounded his readers, Paul encourages them in this prayer by thanking God for the positive features of the Christian life. Paul never hesitated to address false teaching head on, but in this case it is interesting that he supplemented his refutation of falsehood with an exposition of the source of truth.

God is the source of all our strength as Christians. We are often tempted to rely on ourselves and to forget that God is always with us in all circumstances, and so Paul’s reminder to rely upon God for our endurance and patience is an important encouragement. Spend some time in prayer thanking Him for the power that comes through his presence, and ask Him to help us to be mindful of His presence with us.

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