James 5:16 – Verse of the Day 3/17/13


This verse is buried in the closing section of the letter of James, which emphasizes the unity that should be shared by all believers. These verses are bookended by the encouragement to persevere in the faith (5:11) and the encouragement that Christians should help one another to do so (5:19-20). These pictures are anchored in the middle by a call to mutual confession and prayer. James calls his readers to persevere by living in unity through the power of heartfelt and genuine prayer.

As these verses lead you to pray individually, consider how they might also call you to do so corporately. If there are any sins or other issues that might prevent you from doing so, ask God to forgive them and help you to pursue reconciliation. Ask God to give you the desire for the messy and difficult work of Christian unity, and thank him for the fact that the Christian journey is not designed to be a lonely one.

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