Matthew 25:31 – Verse of the Day 10/3/13

Matthew 25:31 Verse of the Day
In the New Testament, the title “Son of Man” is Jesus’ preferred title of self-reference. It appears 81 times, and 78 of these were Jesus own statements about himself. The background of the title lies in Daniel 7:13-14, where Daniel prophecies that the “Son of Man” will appear before the “Ancient of Days,” take authority over the whole earth, and receive its worship.

Although the Old Testament predicted that the Messiah would come to take up authority and receive worship, Jesus fulfilled those prophecies in truly ironic ways. He did not pursue authority according to typical earthly standards, but rather by submitting himself to death on a cross. Jesus defeated sin and death through his own death and resurrection rather than through “pomp and circumstance.” Praise the Lord, who is sovereign over all the earth, who has defeated death, and has the power to give us salvation.

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