Matthew 6:33 – Verse of the Day 7/18/14
What is it that makes you anxious? Can you think of a specific area of your life where you frequently worry about how you will do, how things will turn out, or how someone will treat you?
This verse comes just after Jesus used the example of the flowers and the birds to teach us that we should not worry. God clothes the flowers and feeds the birds, and they do not need to worry, so why should we? And if God cares for the birds and the flowers, how much more does He care for us? The key thing to notice, however, is that God does not promise to give us everything we want when we want it. He only promises to give us everything we need according to His own good plan. That’s why this verse says that if we seek his kingdom and righteousness, he will give us what we ask for in His name. Do you trust God enough to seek Him and patiently wait for Him to give you what He knows is good?
Spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord to change your heart and make His Kingdom your ultimate priority. Take comfort from the knowledge that our loving God promises to provide for us and protects us.
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