Psalm 127:3 – Verse of the Day 2/7/15

Psalm 127:3 Verse of the Day

If you have ever held a newborn baby you know that children are an incredible blessing. It is an amazing thing to hold a new life in your arms. Children are an important part of God’s plan, and the Bible teaches that families are also very important.

This verse is part of a song that was originally sung by the people of Israel on their pilgrimages to Jerusalem to worship God at the temple. The psalm closes with a reminder that God’s plan is perfect and trustworthy and that he promises to build the household of faith. The psalmist remembers God’s promise to Abraham to give him many children and believes that God will be faithful to his promise.

Of course, the promises to Abraham are most perfectly complete in the person, life, and death of Jesus. The beauty of God’s fulfillment of his prophetic promises should lead us to worship and trust Him. Spend some time praising God for the gift of His son, who took on flesh in order that we might be saved, and who is the source hope for all God’s children.

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