Revelation 4:11 – Verse of the Day 2/12/14

Revelation 4:11 Verse of the Day

This verse lies in the section between the letters to the seven churches and the opening of the seven seals. Whereas the imagery in the chapters which precede and follow focus on God as holy Judge, chapters four and five emphasize God’s works of creation and re-creation. This verse emphasizes that God deserves our glory and honor for all His works. We should worship Him because of His Holy character, and we should also be grateful for His merciful work of redemption that removes our fear of His judgment.

Spend some time in prayer, considering God’s holy character and the wondrous nature of His creation. As you reflect on God’s power, displayed in the creation of the world by the mere act of His will, give Him the praise that He deserves. At the same time, God is merciful and forgives those who call on His name. Therefore, as you praise God for His power and Holy character, at the same time thank Him for the mercy He has shown you in forgiving your sins. Praise the God who is simultaneously holy and merciful, just and loving.

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