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Volume 2: The Passover

PASTOR PAUL To protect their own sons from the final plague, God told the Israelites to sacrifice a spotless lamb – a lamb without flaw – and put the blood on the door posts of their homes. The angel that brought …

DVD 1: What is primeval history?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Let’s dive right in. Genesis is a long book with 50 chapters that’s divided into two parts. The first 11 chapters make up part 1 – covering “Primeval History.” Pastor Paul – what does that mean? PASTOR PAUL …

Vol 1: What Is a Testament?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Now the Old Testament books are divided into four sections… The Torah or Pentateuch – that means “five books” … The Historical Books… The Prophets… and The Writings or wisdom literature. We’ll get into all that later. The …