
Christmas Family Bible Reading Plan

We have partnered with YouVersion for a special 10-day Christmas Family Bible Reading Plan featuring Buck Denver and friends from Buck Denver asks… What’s In The Bible? Connect modern traditions, the history of Christmas, Santa Claus, Christmas Trees and more with Jesus’ birth in this reading plan. What do these things have to do with Jesus? More than you think!

Buck Denver & Friends bring a fun spin to your Christmas season with a scripture reading, short devotional, video and short reflection for each day that will help your family learn about the story of Christmas while focusing on Jesus.

Be sure to check out our other What’s In The Bible? Bible reading plans available on YouVersion!

Additional Christmas resources from What’s In The Bible?


Your family can learn more about the history of Christmas, and how Santa Claus, Christmas Trees and many of our modern holiday traditions point back to Jesus in Phil Vischer’s Buck Denver Asks… Why Do We Call It Christmas? Now streaming on JellyTelly!


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