Isaiah 35:10 – Verse of the Day 1/8/14
Images of redemption are everywhere in Isaiah, and in this verse Isaiah uses the language of “ransom” to picture the great cost that the Lord undertook in order to save His people. For Isaiah, the consequence of this redemption is that the blind, deaf, and lame receive sight, hearing and forgiveness. Above all we have received the right to enter the Lord’s holy city and dwell in His presence, and this should be cause for great joy.
Although we long for the final fulfillment of these promises that God will restore all things and remove all sorrow and sighing, that time has not yet come. As you pray, thank the Lord that Jesus has ushered in the beginning of his Kingdom through his death and resurrection. Thank the Lord for the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life that comes through this Kingdom, and pray that He would give you the strength to wait until we experience it in its fullness in Heaven.
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