Philippians 2:3 – Verse of the Day 1/7/14
The broader context of this verse relates to true humility and its necessity for Christian unity. For Paul, the easiest way to disrupt unity is to introduce selfishness, ambition, and self-regard. The latter portion of the chapter unfolds Christ’s own example as the perfect image of true humility. Jesus is fully God himself, and yet made himself nothing, taking on the nature of a human being in order to suffer death on the cross. Christian unity comes through the humble pursuit of benefits for others rather than self-benefit.
As you pray, consider for a moment that the second person of the Trinity took on a human nature in order to earn our salvation. Consider the great cost that Jesus undertook in order to carry the burden of our sin. Ask the Lord to give you the same humility and desire to serve others as your loving Savior has demonstrated in serving you.
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