Matthew 6:33 – Verse of the Day 10/6/13

Matthew 6:33 Verse of the Day
This verse comes at the conclusion of Matthew’s meditation on worrying in the sermon in the mount (Matthew 7:25-34). Matthew begins with a simple command: “do not worry” (verse 25). He proceeds to ask, If God cares for the birds and the flowers, how much more does He care for us? Finally, this verse informs us that if we truly seek God as our highest priority, then He will give us all that we need for that pursuit.

Spend some time in prayer, asking the Lord to change your heart and make His Kingdom your ultimate priority. Ask for the strength and will to believe that He will give you whatever you truly need to serve Him and His kingdom. Take comfort from the knowledge that our loving God promises to provide for us and protects us.

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