Philippians 4:7 – Verse of the Day 3/17/14

Philippians 4:7 Verse of the Day

In the previous verses, Paul warned the Philippian Christians of the twin dangers of legalism and antinomianism, on the one hand relying upon perfect obedience for salvation and on the other hand ignoring obedience altogether. Having clarified the true nature of the Gospel, Paul proceeds here to exhort them to seek peace through prayer. As the Philippians together seek God’s will, the necessary result would be unity and harmony.  Paul’s point is that the Gospel leads to peace with God, and as we pursue peace with God we experience peace with one another.

As you pray, ask the Lord to make you vigilante in avoiding both pride about your personal obedience and the opposing tendency to ignore God’s law altogether.  As you seek God’s will and grow in your understanding of the Gospel, pray that the Lord would lead you to seek peace with others as you find rest in His salvation. Most of all, ask the Lord to make you persistent in prayer so that his peace might guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

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