Guest Blog: Buck Denver, Professor?

No, Buck’s not really a professor … just a full-time newsman with a goofy sense of humor and an undying love for scones. But John Dyer, our guest blogger today, shares just how much he’s learned from Buck and the gang by comparing it to his seminary education. You can check out more from John at his awesome blog here. Enjoy!

When I was growing up my parents purchased some VHS cartoons that told Bible stories for my siblings and me, and those videos were how I learned about Abraham, Noah, Rahab, Paul, and the rest. As a result, during grade school and even college, I consistently knew more biblical characters than most of my friends. But I had one big problem – I didn’t know how any of it fit together. I honestly thought Abraham, David, and Jesus were next-door neighbors. Even if I could tell the order of two stories, I didn’t really know how they related to each other.

It wasn’t until I went to seminary that I was taught the big picture of how all those stories in the Bible fit together. Now, as the dad of a 2-year-old boy and a brand new baby girl, I’ve been looking for ways to teach both the individual stories of the Bible and the Big Story of the whole Scriptures. And I’ve been looking for something that wasn’t boring or poorly put together.

So my wife and I were delighted to see how fun and informative “What’s in the Bible? with Buck Denver” is. We love the characters, the songs, and the incredible depth of what the DVDs covered. When my son sees our TV, he points and shouts “babies!” which is his word for puppets. What’s in the Bible? is all he ever wants to watch (and incidentally, it’s all we do let him watch.)

Although I cherish my time in seminary and all I learned there, sometimes I wish I had saved a few bucks and just waited for all 13 DVDs to come out. The good news is we’re gonna save a ton on private school. All thanks to Buck Denver.

Do you have a What’s in the Bible? story to share? You can guest blog too! Just email

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