
A NEW Activity Book Based on The Pentateuch

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for creative, fun and meaningful ways to engage  your kids, while teaching them about God’s Word.  My friends at What’s in the Bible? have come up with an absolutely wonderful activity book that I can’t wait for you to check out!

The Pentateuch Activity Book comes in a 36-page printable PDF that will give your kids 19 fun activities, while teaching them all about the first five books of the Bible! For only $4.99, I think that’s a great bargain!

Some of the activities in this book are geared for kids to complete on their own, while many others can be done in a family or group setting.  There are mazes, crossword puzzles, a great study guide, coloring pages, games, and assorted cut outs to be used in group activities or with just a friend or two on the back porch.

One of my favorite games in the activity book, is the Ten Commandments Match Game. This game is played like a memory game, where the players set out the cards randomly, and as they are flipped over they need to remember where the matching card is.  My son LOVES this game!  I love that the graphics used to describe each Commandment are so relevant to a school aged child!  For instance, the Eighth Commandment, about not stealing, has a picture of a child cheating on a test at school.  What a great example of stealing that kids can really relate to!

Teaching our kids WHAT the Bible says is so important.  But being able to give them understandable applications of how to apply The Word is truly how we can minister to their hearts. How can we be obedient to what God wants us to do, even when we are young children? This is a great topic of discussion, and one in which having a Bible based resource to use with our kids can be especially helpful.

If you are a home schooling parent, you will get hours of Bible curriculum from this activity book!  It’s also a great resource for grade school aged church groups! I’m using it as a fun activity pack for weekends and fall break.

To get your own copy of The Pentateuch Activity Book, go here, and when you download your own copy, be sure to leave a review on the site!

About the Author: Lisa Strnad is a weekly contributing writer to What’s in the Bible? and Jelly Telly.  She works freelance in Christian Media, specializing in writing, promotions and marketing. Lisa lives with her husband and their two sons in Nashville, TN. Follow her personal blog: www.talkinglikeagirl.blogspot.com


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