Spreading the Good News!

Volume 11 [Book of Acts] will send your family on a journey through the book of Acts of the Apostles – starting with Pentecost and learning all about the Holy Spirit, following Jesus’ disciples as they spread the Good News through the world, and watching the conversion and ministry of Saul.

Episode Guide

Buck Denver and friends learn about Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus' followers make a big splash in Jerusalem - with the Holy Spirit's help!
It will take a very special person to carry the Good News throughout the Roman world. After an amazing encounter with Jesus, a guy named Paul gets the job! Learn about the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus, and how he then takes trips all over the Roman world to share about Jesus.

Purchase Volume 11 and start learning about the Bible with your family!

To learn more about the other volumes in the series, check out our What’s in the Bible? Series Overview.