1 Corinthians 6:19 – Verse of the Day 4/13/13
When the New Testament refers to the body as a temple it usually refers to the corporate body of Christ (see Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Peter 2:4-5). Here the concept is applied more individually to believers, but it is important to note that Paul employs the plural form of “you” rather than the singular (if you are not a southerner, think “ya’ll” rather than “you”). Contextually, the point is that our bodies not only belong to God but to one another, and the Holy Spirit lives not only in individual hearts but in the body of Christ as a community. Under the Old Covenant God’s presence was closely identified with the physical space of the Temple, but under the New Covenant it is more specifically identified with us as His people!
What does it mean to belong to someone other than yourself – to belong to God and to other Christians? Thank God for the beautiful picture of fellowship given to us in the Gospel, and ask Him for practical ways that you might pursue this vision in your own life. Thank Him for the personal gift of His Holy Spirit living in you as a part of His body of believers.
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