1 John 4:16 – Verse of the Day 6/19/14

1 John 4:16 Verse of the Day

When are you most likely to forget God’s love for you?

One of the most constant themes of the Bible is the reminder that God loves us. Love is one of the most basic aspects of who God is. Because God is one God in three persons, interpersonal love is a part of His very nature! Even more amazingly, Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, took on our flesh so that we could know Him and have fellowship with Him. How could we forget the love of the God who would do that for us?

Although God has shown great love for us, when life is difficult or when sin seems attractive we easily forget His love. Pray that God would enable you to remember His love for you when you face temptation and difficulty. Pray that you would rest in the God who loves you enough to die in order for you to experience His love. As you remember the love of God for you, ask the Lord to help you see specific ways that you might respond to that love in your relationships with others.


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