1 John 4:21 – Verse of the Day 9/27/13
The first letter of John is an extended consideration of the love of God, and its fourth chapter turns to the moral implications of God’s love. For John, the presence of genuine love for others is a sign that a person genuinely loves God. John’s understanding is similar to Matthew’s in Matthew 22:38-39. Love for God and love for neighbor are so closely identified that the presence of one is the indication of the other.
It is a convicting question to ask ourselves whether we really love those around us. Very often, we are more likely to speak evil of others – even fellow members of our church – than we are to genuinely care for them and love them. As you pray, consider the love God has demonstrated for us in the person and work of Jesus. As you consider God’s love your us, pray that your heart for others would be the same as His, and that you would love others as God has loved us.
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