1 Peter 1:13 – Verse of the Day 2/10/14
In the opening verses of his letter, Peter describes the wonders of salvation. Here he turns to our responsibilities as we respond to this salvation. The phrase “prepare your minds for action” is a good translation of a phrase that literally reads “gird up the loins of your mind.” In the ancient near East the common dress included a long tunic and a belt, and so it was necessary to tuck the garment into the belt in order to free the legs to run. As we set our minds on the hope we have in Christ, we should prepare our minds to run after him!
Spend some time in prayer, reflecting on what Jesus has done for you in order to forgive your sin. As you remember Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf, ask the Lord to prepare your mind to follow Him. Ask the Lord for the willingness to follow Him without hesitation and no matter the consequence. Remember the eternal consequences of Jesus’ gift to you and take comfort and hope from what he has done!
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