1 Peter 1:21 – Verse of the Day 4/20/14
The Christian faith requires us to refocus our attention. This verse emphasizes two ways that we are to focus less on ourselves and more on God. First, our ability to believe comes not from ourselves but “through him” (Jesus). Second, and as a result, our faith and our hope are not in ourselves, but in the God who “raised him from the dead.”
How are you tempted to focus more on your self than God? What wants, needs, habits, and goals might God want to change as a result? Spend some time in prayer asking God for help in those areas.
How are you tempted to trust in yourself more than you trust God? This is an even harder question, but it is a very important one. Spend some time in prayer asking God to show you how you can trust in Him more and in yourself less. Finally, praise God because Jesus rose from the dead and one day we will be glorified with Him!
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