1 Peter 4:19 – Verse of the Day 9/21/14

1 Peter 4:19 Verse of the Day
Do you trust others easily? It’s easy to trust someone when there is nothing on the line, but it can be harder when the stakes are raised. Especially when we are experiencing pain or suffering, it is hard to trust someone when they tell us either that things will get better or that the pain will be worth it in the end.

It is exactly this kind of trust that the Bible tells us we should have in God, who not only created us but also redeems us through the life and death of Jesus Christ for us. Because we have seen the extent of God’s love for us in the willingness of the Son to suffer for us, we know this is a God worthy of our trust.

When do you struggle to trust God? What kind of suffering tempts you to doubt. Spend some time in prayer reflecting on the extravagant love that God has shown us in Christ. Remember that God promises to heal and restore whatever pain or suffering we experience. Praise God for his faithfulness to sustain our souls regardless of our circumstances.

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