2 Corinthians 12:10 – Verse of the Day 8/20/13
The book of 2 Corinthians begins by praising the “God of all comfort” for sustaining Paul and his fellow believers through many trials and much persecution (1:3). The verses that immediately precede this verse speak of a “thorn” in Paul’s side that the Lord did not remove even though Paul prayed that He would repeatedly (12:7-9). This theme of human weakness and the Lord’s provision is consistent in the letter, for God’s power is most clearly displayed when we accomplishes his glorious purposes through our own weakness.
As you spend some time in prayer, ask the Lord that your first priority would be His glory and not your own. Pray that you would have the same spirit as Paul and long for the Lord’s strength to be displayed in your weakness. At the same time, remember that our God is the “God of all comfort” and that he will always sustain us no matter what.
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