2 Corinthians 12:9 – Verse of the Day 9/18/14

2 Corinthians 12:9 Verse of the Day
Everyone has a gift or a talent that might lead him or her to boast. What is yours? Have you ever accomplished something that made you proud? We naturally want others to know the good things about us or the things that we accomplish, and while that could lead us to sinful pride it is not necessarily a bad thing.

However it would be a very bad thing to forget that the core of the Christian faith is not our own strengths or abilities but rather the work of Jesus for us. We did nothing to accomplish our salvation and we do nothing to receive it. It is a gift from God. Even more shocking is that our salvation was not accomplished by a feat of strength or power, but by Jesus’ willingness to be put to death in our place. Salvation comes through Jesus’ death for us.

Where do you desire power and glory instead of following Jesus in enduring suffering? Pray that the Lord would help you to trust in your suffering savior in order to follow him in your desire to suffer for him. Thank the Lord that Jesus did not desire power and glory but willingly endured the cross on our behalf.

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