Acts 18:10 – Verse of the Day 7/16/14
The apostle Paul experienced a tremendous amount of suffering and hardship in order to spread the Gospel to those who had never heard about Jesus. How was he able to withstand that suffering?
This verse helps us to see where Paul found his strength. It is part of a promise he received from God in a vision. God told him to stay where he was in order that all those who might respond to the Gospel would have the opportunity to hear it. Because he believed God’s promises, Paul was willing to obey Him and patiently stay in spite of the constant threat of arrest by the Jewish leaders.
God is faithful to his promises, and he calls us to wait patiently for Him to carry them out. Just as God carried out His promises of protection and fruitful ministry to Paul, He makes similar promises to us. As you pray, consider God’s faithfulness in the past and how you might trust Him more fully in the present. Ask the Lord for a heart to trust His promises.
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