Amos 5:14 – Verse of the Day 8/27/14
The prophet Amos had a tough job. His job was to tell the people of Israel that they had broken their covenant with God, that they would be defeated by the Assyrians, and that they would be removed from their homes and taken into captivity. This was not exactly good news. Can you imagine having to take a message like that to the people of your church?
Yet in this verse Amos also patiently appeals to the people of Israel to repent in order that they might live. For Amos, obedience to God not only leads to eternal security and prosperity, but it is the only way to true life. The good life comes not through earthly power, but through faith and repentance. It is a very counter cultural picture.
Spend some time in prayer asking the Lord to forgive you for the times when you believe the world’s understanding of the good life rather than the version in God’s word. Consider specific areas where God’s word might challenge your values, hopes, and dreams. Ask the Lord to help you to see obedience to His word and His purposes as the only path to a truly meaningful and free life.
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