Colossians 3:15 – Verse of the Day 1/23/14
In Colossians 3 Paul encourages his readers to “set their minds on things above” (verse 2) and to live as those whose lives are hidden in Christ (verse 3). Such a life means putting to death the sinful characteristics and traits of the world. This verse offers one of the many benefits of such a life lived out of gratitude to God: peace. For Paul, a life lived for Christ leads to personal peace and peace with others.
Are you at peace? Or do you struggle to trust God? Consider your relationships with other Christians. Are you at peace with them? Or are there points of tension. Spend some time in prayer thinking of specific examples where you are not at peace with yourself and with others. Thank the Lord that through Christ He has made peace with you, and ask Him to help you to experience that peace in your own life and in your relationships as well.
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