Deuteronomy 6:6 Verse of the Day 11/30/13
Moses spoke these words to the people of Israel as they readied themselves to enter the Promised Land after all their years of wandering in the desert. Moses prefaced this statement with a reiteration of the most basic summary of true faith, the Jewish shema: “The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (verse 4). The commands are easily summarized as well: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (verse 6). After 40 years of learning to trust God in the desert, Moses reminds them to stay strong in their faith as they enter a new life in a new land.
The Christian faith is simultaneously simple and profound. It is so profound that we will never stop growing in understanding in this life, and yet it’s basic truths are so simple that they are readily grasped by a child. Pray that the Lord would impress the simple command to love God and His purposes above all else upon your heart. Pray that He would help you to believe that a life lived for any other purpose cannot satisfy.
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