Ephesians 1:3 – Verse of the Day 11/5/14

Ephesians 1:3 Verse of the Day

What does it mean to be a citizen? Usually it involves both privileges and responsibilities related to the place where you live. Interestingly, the Bible frequently reminds us that while we presently live in “this age” on earth, our true home is in “the age to come” in heaven.

This idea that our true home is in heaven is central to the book of Ephesians and lies at the heart of this verse. We have been saved by grace, united to Christ, and as a result raised up with Christ to the “heavenly places.” Our citizenship in heaven is a gift that can only be received by grace and through faith. The blessings of heavenly citizenship cannot be earned, and therefore they cannot be lost. The gift of salvation is an eternal gift, and our citizenship in heaven is an eternal home.

As you pray, consider with wonder the reality that we have been united to Christ. Although we often live as if we are merely earthly citizens, it is important to remember that our true citizenship is in Heaven with Jesus. In the bustle and distractions of everyday life it is so easy to forget that reality. Ask God to help you to remember the location of your true citizenship, and as you remember that blessing give God thanks and bless Him as well.

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