Ephesians 5:19 Verse of the Day 11/3/13
Ephesians 5:17-6:9 is an extended consideration of our new life in Christ. In the following verse it is clear that God is the primary audience of our worship, and yet in this verse it is also clear that our worship of God is to benefit the body of Christ as we participate together. Therefore our new life in Christ is to honor God and lift up the body. In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, these words for singing praise (psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs) were used interchangeably. The point is not to highlight various modes of singing, but rather that all of our praise is to honor God and build up the body.
As you spend some time in prayer, give God praise for all He has done. Ask Him for a heart that longs to praise Him and to encourage others through rich and robust worship. Consider how you might better prepare yourself for the corporate worship of God so that you will be ready to praise Him without distraction, and ask the Lord to help you to faithfully pursue Him in that preparation. Most of all, praise God for the salvation that is ours in Christ.
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