Galatians 5:5 – Verse of the Day 4/29/14
We live in a world where more and more things are “instant.” We have fast food, we prefer the fast lane, and waiting kills us. We want what we want and we want it now. Have you ever seen a commercial for a product that emphasized how slow it was? I doubt it.
Do you think living in such a fast paced world that hates waiting has any effect on our faith? What do you think the consequences might be?
Here Paul teaches us to wait eagerly. It is not wrong to long for heaven! It is okay to hope that we will experience it soon! At the same time, it is also important for us to keep in mind that we don’t know how long we will have to wait, and that this uncertainty could be discouraging in a world where everything is “instant.” Spend some time praying that the Lord would simultaneously make you eager for heaven but also patient in waiting. Ask for the strength to live well in the life that God has given you here and now.
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