Galatians 6:10 – Verse of the Day 8/4/13
Paul brings the letter of Galatians to a close with a series of exhortations. In 6:7-10 he offers both warning and encouragement, reminding his readers that no one can escape the judgment of God and only that those who receive the gift of the Holy Spirit will receive eternal life. The Lord promises to bless the person who “sows to please the Spirit” (verse 9). As a result, every member of the Church as an obligation to do good to those outside its membership, but especially to those who are members of the Church.
As you pray, consider the extravagance of the gift of eternal life that we receive when we come to faith through the work of the Holy Spirit. As you thank and praise God for this gift, spend some time in prayer asking Him how you might be a blessing physically and spiritually to those both inside and outside the Church. Ask the Lord for the wisdom to know how to apply the biblical principles of Galatians 6:10.
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