Galatians 6:2 – Verse of the Day 11/23/14
Is the Law of God a good thing or a bad thing? The key to understanding this difficult concept is realizing that the Law of God is a good thing because it teaches us how bad we are. It shows us that we need a savior because it forces us to realize the seriousness of our sin.
The end of the letter to the Galatians contains a series of practical commands. Paul already told the Galatians that they can only be saved by grace and not works of the Law. Then he goes on to teach them that the Law is not bad because it cannot save. Rather, the Law teaches us not only of the seriousness of our sin, but also serves as a guide for how we should live now that we have been forgiven for our sin.
As you pray, ask the Lord to help you to understand the proper relationship between the Law and the Gospel. Pray that as you grow in your understanding of the Law, you would become increasingly aware of your sin and your need for God’s forgiveness offered in the Gospel. As you become more aware of God’s forgiveness, pray that you would grow in gratitude and long to respond to God by living according to His Law.
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