Hebrews 10:25 – Verse of the Day 5/3/14

Hebrews 10:25 Verse of the Day

Are you ever tempted to think that your faith is just between you and God? If you are ever tempted to feel that way, consider that the original readers of Hebrews were often persecuted for being Christians, and that it would have been dangerous for them to meet together. Even though it would have been dangerous, the author tells them to make sure they don’t quit meeting. Why do you think this was so important to him?

The assumption of the Bible is always that it is impossible to have Christ for a head without being a part of His body. Do you value the gift of being a part of Christ’s body? This verse reminds us that we need other people – our faith needs the body of Christ, and the body of Christ needs our faith.

Spend some time in prayer thanking God that he makes us part of his body, his family. Pray that you would be willing to open yourself up to others in your church so that you can be an encouragement to them and they can be an encouragement to you. Think about specific ways you can do that and pray to ask the Lord to help you grow in those ways.


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