Hebrews 12:28 – Verse of the Day 1/18/14
In Hebrews 12, the author remembers that in the Old Testament God commanded the people not even to touch Mount Sinai because they would die if they came into God’s presence without having their sins forgiven (12:18-21). By contrast, through faith the people have come to Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God (12:22-24). Under the New Covenant, God’s holiness has not changed, but our ability to approach Him has, through the sacrifice of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Now we can approach Him without fear, but we are still to come with reverence and awe, and this should shape how we worship.
In a world that values the casual, the fleeting and the trivial, God calls us to worship him with seriousness, steadfastness, and careful reflection. As you remember that God has forgiven your sin and enabled you to come before Him in all His splendor, ask Him to help you to learn to worship Him according to His desires. What a wonderful gift to enter into the presence of the true and living God. Give thanks in your heart as you praise Him.
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