Isaiah 25:1 – Verse of the Day 4/15/13

Isaiah 25:1 begins a song of praise that follows Isaiah’s prophecy that God will eventually extend His kingdom to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 24:1-27:13). As Isaiah reflects upon this wonderful truth he praises God for His faithfulness. It is amazing that Isaiah would praise God in this way, as Jerusalem stood on the brink of being overrun by the Assyrians. The central idea is that the hope of God’s eternal victory should lead us to praise God in the midst of present uncertainty.

Do you believe that God will be true to His promises? In the midst of difficult circumstances it is often difficult to remember what God has done in the past and what He has promised to do in the future. Spend some time rejoicing in prayer for His past faithfulness. Pray that God will help you to remember both the past and the future when life becomes difficult. God’s plan is good and certain!

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