Isaiah 55:12 – Verse of the Day 1/28/15

Isaiah 55:12 Verse of the Day
Have you ever returned from a long trip and been so happy to get back home? Or have you ever had a really bad day and were just so happy for it to end? If you can remember what that felt like then you have a slight taste of what this verse is about.

This verse is from a chapter of Isaiah that speaks of God’s people returning from their exile to the Promised Land. Isaiah wanted the people to have hope because there return would be so wonderful and full of celebration. The amazing thing is that the New Testament speaks of our life in heaven in even more wonderful terms. Life in the Promised Land pales in comparison to eternal life in heaven. Thinking of our future life there is an even better reason for true joy.

Spend some time in prayer thanking God that he has prepared an eternal home for you. Take comfort when you remember that nothing in this present life can separate you from the love of God and experience of His presence in heaven. Praise God for his good provision!

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