James 1:2 Verse of the Day 10/24/13
James writes that Christians can withstand trials because they know that they produce perseverance and wisdom (verses 3-5). The specific trials that James has in mind relate to conflict between Christians, and in particular discord between the poor and rich. Here James writes to comfort the poor person who suffers as a result of oppression by the rich, and in the following chapter James teaches that true Christian faith is demonstrated by love for those in need. Thus James highlights the nature of true faith, whether one is rich or poor.
Regardless of your circumstances, true faith demands total trust in God. If we are rich, all that we have comes from God and we are called to share our resources generously. If we are poor, we are to withstand trials knowing that God uses them to build our faith. As you pray, ask the Lord to give you a faith so strong that you can withstand any trial.