John 1:3 Verse of the Day 11/4/13
After the prefatory statement that opens John’s Gospel, this verse establishes God’s sovereignty in Creation and Jesus role in the Trinitarian act of bringing the world into existence. When John later states that “the Word became flesh,” this verse helps us to see that this Word who took on human flesh was also divine. John clearly teaches the divinity and the humanity of Jesus in these opening verses of his Gospel.
Jesus is fully God and therefore sovereign over the whole world as both creator and redeemer. Nothing was made without his authority, and nothing happens apart from his oversight. What a powerful God we serve. Spend some time in prayer, praising God for his power, and also for His loving character. Although He was already God over all the earth, deserving of our praise, He humbled himself and took on human flesh in order to forgive our sins and make us holy.
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