John 1:9 – Verse of the Day 8/8/13
In John’s Gospel “light” signifies the truth of God, most clearly manifested I the person and work of Jesus. For John, the truth that gives light is frequently depicted as “heavenly” and “eternal” and contrasted sharply with the things which are “earthly” and “temporal.” Whereas God’s light was particularly given to the people of Israel under the old covenant, under the new covenant it is declared openly to everyone. This verse is a beautiful communication of God’s truth and the universal significance of the Gospel.
As you consider that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” in the person of Jesus, allow this miracle to lead you into a time of praise and thanksgiving. Thank God for his dual gift of truth and redemption from sin. Praise Him for his mercy in revealing the truth to us who had rejected Him and chosen to live in darkness.
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