John 13:35 – Verse of the Day 6/13/14
One of the most memorable things that Jesus did came near the end of his life. In the days leading up to his betrayal and death on the cross, he gathered his disciples together and he promised to comfort them. Even though he was going to die he promised that his death would bring salvation and his Holy Spirit would come to them.
Right before Jesus gave his disciples all these promises, he did something that in those days only the lowest servant would do – he washed their feet. It was a picture of his perfect love for them as well as their need to have their sins washed away. Right after he washed their feet, he spoke the words of this verse inviting them to follow his example.
God’s love was most perfectly demonstrated for us in Jesus’ death for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Although we rejected God, he loved us so much that Jesus willingly gave up his life in order to restore our relationship with our heavenly Father. Give thanks to God for what He has done for you, and pray that you would love others as God has first loved you.
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