John 3:17 – Verse of the Day 9/12/13
John offers this editorial comment regarding the purpose of Jesus’ ministry after the interaction with Nicodemus when Jesus tells him that he must be born again. According to John, the purpose of Jesus’ incarnation was to bring light and life to the world. The world was already guilty and worthy of condemnation, and Jesus came to announce secure and announce salvation for those who believe. When Jesus comes again, he will initiate a final judgment and those who do not believe will be judged (John 5:25-30), but the purpose of his first coming was to obtain salvation for all who believe in him.
The Gospel message is a message of hope. Jesus came into the world in order to live and die perfectly on our behalf in order that we might be forgiven and made righteous. Praise the Lord for this hopeful message, and pray that you would believe it in the core of your being. Pray that the Lord would give you opportunities to share this message of hope with others.