John 8:12 – Verse of the Day 10/24/14
After Jesus died and rose again, he told his followers that the whole Old Testament was about himself. He opened up the Old Testament and showed them how each of the stories, the Laws, and the other things written were given to them so they would expect him to come as the messiah to save them.
According to John, Jesus spoke the words of this verse at the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. During this feast candles were lit to remind the people of Israel of the pillar of fire that led them through the wilderness after they escaped from Egypt. When Jesus called himself the “light” of the world, he not only claimed to be God, but also the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Jesus is the messiah promised throughout the Old Testament, and true wisdom is found in seeing that reality and believing in him.
Just as the people of Israel followed the light in the wilderness, Jesus calls us to follow him as we make our way in this world. As you pray, thank God for revealing himself to you through Jesus and ask Him to give you the strength to follow the one true light of the world.
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