John 8:31 – Verse of the Day 9/1/13
This verse picks up on the emphasis on truth that is so important in the Gospel of John. Jesus is the truth, and therefore also the way and the life (14:6). Therefore, his followers are known by their adherence to the truth as it is revealed in the Word and the Word made flesh. In the following verse Jesus goes on to make the memorable statement that “the truth will set you free” (8:32). In other words, Jesus is both the source of true salvation eternally and the source of true life in the present as well.
Although we know in our hearts that God’s word is true and worthy of our trust, we often forget this reality when we experience the pressures and temptations of everyday life. Spend some time in prayer asking God for a heart to believe and a will to follow what we know in our minds to be true.
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