Luke 1:46 – Advent Verse of the Day 12/4/13
These are the first words of Mary’s song of praise to the Lord after she received Gabriel’s announcement about the miraculous birth of Jesus. Often referred to as “the Magnificat,” the song communicates God’s love for the lowly and humble and his rejection of the high and proud. Mary’s song is very similar to Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, after she discovered that she was pregnant with Samuel. Mary receives the news of her role in the history of salvation with great joy and as a blessing.
Spend some time in prayer praising and thanking God for the gift of Jesus. While our role in the history of salvation will obviously be very different from Mary’s, pray that the Lord would give you a spirit of joy and willingness patterned after her grateful response. Magnify the Lord, because He is worthy of our praise!
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