Luke 1:47 – Verse of the Day 1/24/15
Can you imagine how you would have felt if you were Mary and the angel of the Lord appeared to you to tell you that you would give birth to Jesus? How would you have responded?
This verse is part of the song Mary sang after she learned that she would give birth to Jesus. Mary’s song is similar to the one that Hannah sang in the Old Testament after she learned that she would give birth to Samuel. Both women praised God because he remembers the humble and the weak, and both women recognized the special role that God gave them in the story of redemption. They rejoiced to be a part of God’s plan of salvation.
The infinite and mighty God who created everything that exists has particularly chosen and called us to be part of his plan of salvation. When God saved us by giving us faith we were dead in our sins and without a hope in the world, but now we can call Jesus our brother and have a relationship with our heavenly Father. Praise God and rejoice for what He has done for us!
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