Luke 2:7 – Advent Verse of the Day 12/11/13
Although the mention of a manger indicates that Jesus may have been born in a stable (as traditionally depicted in much modern art and popular culture), many biblical scholars refer to an ancient tradition that held that Jesus was in fact born in a cave that served as a stable. It was not uncommon for mangers to be located outdoors, so it is also possible that Jesus was not born in a shelter at all. At any rate, the presence of the animals indicates extremely humble circumstances, and provides further emphasis to the idea that Jesus “did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing…” (Philippians 2:6-7).
Jesus humbled himself in order to lift us up. As you pray, consider the miracle of the incarnation. The eternal and divine Son of God took on flesh for our sake. Jesus was tempted as we are tempted, but was without sin; and yet he suffered and died for we who rejected God and freely choose sin. What a gift, and what a God we worship. He is truly worthy of our praise!
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