Matthew 5:16 – Verse of the Day 6/24/14

Matthew 5:16 Verse of the Day

When people say that actions speak louder than words, what do they mean? Is this always true?

When it comes to the Christian faith, and especially when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus, the Bible teaches us not to separate our words from our works. In the Old Testament, the prophets frequently proclaimed that God’s people would be a light to the world. In the New Testament, Jesus is the source of the light, and it shines through his people.

In this verse Jesus applies the Old Testament promise to the New Testament Church, commanding them to adorn the Gospel with their good works. He commands them to speak the truth and to obey the truth.

Although good works themselves are not the Gospel, they can make the Gospel attractive as a demonstration of a changed life. As you pray, ask the Lord to give you a desire to live for him in order to be a light to the world. Thank the Lord for the opportunity to be a part of the spread of the Gospel message, and spend some time praying your friends and other people close to you who do not yet believe this good news.


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