Matthew 7:2 – Verse of the Day 9/21/13
This verse indicates that Jesus’ statement in the previous verse, “Do not judge,” is not a prohibition of judgment in general but rather a prohibition of a certain kind of judging. Christians are to exercise judgment and discernment, but to do so in humility, love, and wisdom (verses 3-6). True Christian judgment should reflect an awareness of one’s own sin, be communicated in an attempt to reclaim the fallen, and only offered to those who are willing and able to hear it.
As you pray for God’s wisdom in exercising judgment, spend some time thanking God for the mercy He has shown you in sparing judgment. God knows our rebellious and prideful hearts, and he forgives us anyway. As you reflect on the great mercy and forgiveness of God, consider how God’s mercy and forgiveness might shape your own treatment of others.
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